High Space Resolution

Spread audio to new dimensions

With the development of new ways to listen to audio in three dimensions, on stage or at home, we have felt the need to make a tool to up mix our legacy formats (stereo, multichannel) to those new ones.

Therefore we developed HSR (for high Space Resolution), al algorithm to up mix your original signal into up to 64 channels, to use on your spatialize environment.

How it works ?

By analyzing the signal (stereo, LCR, Quad, 5.1, 7.1), HSR recreates new sources, cut out from the sound field. By creating a large number of these sources, we can reproduce this sound field faithfully, while still allowing these new windows to be placed in an immersive space, hence its name High Space Resolution. The sound is then placed around you, in high spatial resolution, and decoded for your listening system using an additional spatialization decoder.

HSR does not use FFT (Fast Fourrier Transform), which make it really DSP lite and reduce the latency to a minimum (~5 samples) for use in a live context.

The gain optimisation algorithm added to it allow HSR to maintain the original mix timbre independently from the number or places of the HSR channels you want to make.

Two options : Upmix/Downmix

With the same algorithm, you can upmix your signal for spatial audio purposes, or downmix it to go from Spatial audio to Stereo, or for Sub management



Upmix usecases

Whether you are in the live performance or in the studio, whether you want to implement our solution in sound systems for professionals or individuals, HSR comes to do its job in all environments.

Downmix usecases

Whether you want to deal with spatial audio content on legacy audio systems or you want a proper mono management for Bluetooth speaker, Sub management, or you just want to mix in mono with proper addiction, you’ve chosen the right algorithm to do so.

In a theatrical context

For theatrical purposes, HSR can allow channel-based workflow to integrate an immersive sound system. In stereo, different HSR encoder can be used to create different spaces, by placing the audio sources created on a tighter space for one for exemple one for the music and ambiances and one for panning comedian’s microphones on stage, with just two different outputs, and without having for the sound engineer on tour to learn the system.

For multicast diffusion, channels can be streamed directly into the sound system or encoded with HSR, creating more coherency between the different sources. The advantage of using HSR in an immersive system is that there is no software learning for the sound engineer. Audio panning on the console will pan trough the immersive system, without any data communication.

Unlike Immersive sound system only, which will reproduce with gain and delay the position of the channels, HSR allow to create a high number of objects, allowing to enlarge the sound field of your sound

In concert / On Disc

In a musical context, stereo channels can be spread directly from the length of the stage, or all around the audience, thus increasing the sense of immersiveness.

On disc, you can really easily come from a stereo material to a Dolby Atmos compatible surround sound, while conserving the same timbre and space position as in the original material.

In clubs

Working with DJs, putting HSR in your system will allow you to use your entire immersive sound system without having to deal with software control. Just plug your artist into HSR and the panning he/she will do on his gear will be automatically be reproduce on the system, however the number of speakers involved. This system will then allow you to make great advantage of multi-speaker system for your clubs, putting your audience in the center if the sound.

For more avant-gardes musicians, who use multi-diffusion, you can create multiples HSR encoder and vary the pan and width of the different HSR, creating an immersive sound bubble around the room.

Sub Management

Sub management can be tricky, especially with multiples subs and sources. With the HSR algorithm, you’ll be able to choose which source to play on with sub, and the algorithm will manage the addiction according to the content, keeping the timbre and avoiding the phase issues we’re usually dealing with.

Mono mixing

In a mixing context, we often want the sub to be as clean as possible, making it mono compatible. But also often we’re proposed to just add Left and Right, causing pause issues. With HSR you’re sure your sub will sound as good as if it was on full stereo.

Mono Bluetooth speakers

If you are a speaker manufacturer, you’ll want to have a proposer sommation of the stereo signal you’ll get from the Bluetooth stream. With HSR you’ll be sure to add those signals properly, avoiding phase issues causes by the signal.


You can implement HSR in software solutions (plug-in, applications), as well as hardware ones (embedded DSP in headphones, sound bars, AV amplifiers).

We’re selling HSR as a one-time payment for one brand. With this licence you will have access to HSR source code and DSP code, for you to use as you would like.

If you’re planning to sell parts of HSR code in B2B solutions, you will need to buy one licence per brand you’re planning to sell. For this type of use we’re making discount on multiple licence payement.